Archive for December, 2011

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December 26, 2011

I hope to finish my new novel, Five Flowers, in 2012. It’s about five women who incarnate in Tudor England, then Victorian England (Whitechapel), and finally come back mid 20th century California. The characters are real and infamous, but of course it’s still fiction. Once again, the underlying theme is individual choice.

I’ve begun work on my fourth novel, Noted. It’s already propelling me into a different approach. Where Five Flowers is written primarily from the perspective of character development, Noted is being written by scenes. More about that later as it develops.

If you enjoy historical fiction, The Spruce Gum Box by EE Wilder is very well written and full of fascinating details about early 19th century Maine and New Brunswick. It expresses the bonds of family that are common ground in the many different cultures converging in the area at the time. It’s a great story, well told, and full of information.

If you like Victorian Romance, Karen Hall, my childhood friend, has produced a bestseller with Lessons In Love, her second novel. To say I’m proud of her doesn’t begin to express my feelings.

May 2012 be better than 2011. Thank you for visiting.